Embracing technology in the events industry

Using AI in virtual events can significantly impact the event’s overall experience, making virtual events more interactive and attractive to the delegate.
Blog: Hybrid Events, Clever Events, Event Management, Healthcare Events

By CODA Team - 2 years ago

The peer-to-peer exchange when the science presented is interpreted, debated and contextualised is an important reason for people to attend events.

However, in recent years events have become more and more advanced with technology playing a major role in creating engagement and encouraging interactions amongst stakeholders as well as delivering key information.

Now is the time to embrace new technology – including virtual, not just as a cost, time and energy-saver against live events, but also because of the increased global reach it provides and the associated metrics and measurement tools that are available. 

Why use technology in your events?

The increasing use of gamification in all aspects of life means there is a generation that is becoming dependent on things that are convenient and engaging. We’ve mentioned that HCPs and colleagues are demanding content in a format, on a channel and at a time that is convenient to them.1 With technology, companies can gain the opportunity to engage and excite event attendees by taking advantage of this significant shift in behaviour.

Information dissemination is a necessity, however, how it happens can become something HCPs look forward to.

The communications industry is continually evolving and technology allows companies to keep up with the way consumers process information.  Our delegates now expect information in bite sized chunks with the opportunity to deep dive should they wish to.

The proliferation of digitization means that hopping online is as effective as hopping on a plane and has a lot of advantages for the event industry, they include:

  • Timesaving – spend less time travelling and more time learning and enjoying the event.
  • Engagement – digital engagement can be just as powerful as peer-to-peer interactions if it is implemented in the right way.
  • Cost saving – reduce project costs by removing the need for travel.

What technology is available?

Technology is ever evolving and as professionals in the industry, choosing the most appropriate event technology can determine the success of the event.

So what type of technology is available?

Let’s start with augmented reality – creating an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the real world is enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple senses. As an example – using a printed image gallery, we are now able to attach pre-recorded videos to each image which will play when scanned by a smart device – a fantastic way to convert imagery to video.

AI can make virtual events more immersive and engaging. The integration and interactivity of the audience was or is the starting point of significant challenges for virtual event producers AI can be the solution.

Using AI in virtual events can significantly impact the event’s overall experience, making virtual events more interactive and attractive to the delegate.

Microsoft has unveiled virtual stage technology that allows speakers anywhere in the world to blend seamlessly with any background or computer-generated images, interacting in real-time with the image the delegate or audience sees.2

As usage grows, so will the experiential, immersive nature of virtual and the methods we can adopt to drive uptake and value. Innovation is much more than just being creative – our digital capability allows us to capture and share all of our recorded activity even if connectivity, beyond our control, becomes an issue.

We’ll be sharing more about technology as it evolves over time, in the meantime, if you would like to learn more, let’s talk

1. Accenture survey: Is COVID-19 altering how Pharma engages with HCPs? Full article available here
2. Article: The Rise of AI in Virtual and Hybrid Events Full article available here

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Man sitting at his desk, working on his computer planning for an event. Experience and understanding from a Specialist Events Production team who combine Virtual and Live Events for the Healthcare Industry: CODA Communications
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