Event content

In order to drive audience engagement, varying the format and delivery method will help to appeal to both online and live delegates.
Blog: Hybrid Events, Healthcare Events, Sustainability

By CODA Team - 2 years ago

Delivering exceptional content through live or hybrid events.

Creating a compelling event experience includes an event strategy that will effectively deliver coherent, multi-channel, hybrid experiences for HCPs and colleagues alike.

A key part of any event is to produce content that makes an impact. In order to drive audience engagement, varying the format and delivery method will help to appeal to both online and live delegates.

Providing captivating and engaging content for event attendees can have an impact on both user experience and conversion rates as it allows the message to disseminate further to larger audiences when engaged attendees share content in a live social format during hybrid events.

65% of consumers say they better understand a product or service from live events. 

Raja Mandal, Visme

The Event Experience

The event experience is a key factor in engaging delegates, according to the Event Leadership Council, event attendees are less interested in seeing breakthrough technology than they are in the personal interactions that take place at the events.

The hybrid model allows for the integration of content from both live and virtual events.

To be impactful, hybrid events need to have tailored agendas for live attendees and virtual attendees.

Event production needs to be flexible so as to accommodate the online attendee and the in-room delegate.

It’s almost a situation where you effectively need to produce two events but deliver them as one.

Online Delegates

Online delegates shouldn’t be expected to sit in front of a computer for 5 or 6 hours and remain fully engaged, therefore the content needs to be tailored to them. Being interactive, creating opportunities for social interaction all become important for the online attendee to remain engaged. 

Virtual platforms give us the opportunity to connect people from all healthcare landscapes, virtual has proven to be very popular with customers as they don’t need to spend time away from their medical practices.

Live Delegates

The live delegate will benefit from the energy within the room and therefore the delivery method can be different.

Face to face events really come into their own when sharing information and experiences between attendees as they have the opportunity to discuss things between themselves at various points during the event i.e. coffee breaks, lunches, social gatherings, which just aren’t possible during virtual meetings.

Being social animals, we need human interaction, it helps our mental state and creates energy. By nature, we like to be praised and rewarded and face to face interactions facilitate this. Whilst delivering content is the primary objective of events, we must remember events bring people together, allow people the opportunity to network and manage business deals.

Defining success

Attendance and engagement rates will indicate whether delegates are enjoying and learning from the events they are attending. Being able to simultaneously gather information from online and live delegates will help to improve the flow of information and provide a cohesive assessment of the event. 

Putting the right metrics in place to measure the success of this new style of event will create a continual loop for improvement for the future delivery of coherent events.

We are constantly working on improving our events using measurement techniques and tools that show tangible results. Talk to us about setting SMART objectives for your event and how we can get the right metrics and measurements in place to determine the success of your events.

Reference: Visme – https://visme.co/blog/event-statistics

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Man sitting at his desk, working on his computer planning for an event. Experience and understanding from a Specialist Events Production team who combine Virtual and Live Events for the Healthcare Industry: CODA Communications
Two ladies sitting at a desk in an office discussing event production strategies. Trust our Live Events Management team to deliver a memorable Hybrid Event: Coda Communications
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